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发布时间:2020-03-12 07:23    浏览次数:&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;来源:



1. In this special time, wearing a face mask outdoors is one of the most effective ways to protect you from getting infected. 在这个特殊时期,出门戴口罩是防止感染的最有效方法之一。

2. Wash hands carefully.We should wash hands with running water for 20 seconds at least.我们要在水流下认真洗手,每次洗手至少20秒。

3. Under the epidemic situation, exercise is one of the most important way to keep healthy. 在家锻炼身体是防疫最有效的方式之一。

4. We should open the window everyday. Make sure that shared spaces have good air flow.我们要每天开窗通风,注意保持室内空气流通。

5. President Xi Jinping tells us we're not afraid of winds and rains or any kind of difficulties. We believe dawn is breaking and we're seeing that coming through.习主席鼓励我们不惧风雨也不畏险阻。我们相信黎明正到来,曙光在前方。

6. When the flowers blossom in spring, we will go back to our beautiful campus and study together. I am looking forward to seeing you again.春暖花开时,我们定会重返美丽的校园一起学习。老师期待着再次见到你们。

线上教学开展以来,基础教学部英语教研室全体教师立足岗位,心系学生,情系学院,同心协力抗击疫情。在今后的线上教学中,将继续全面推进课程思政,不断创新,积极探索,履职尽责,帮助学生们顺利完成网络学习。(来源:基础教学部 撰稿:解小爽 审核:赵桂平 林瑛)